Curriculum Vitae

Photo de profil

Christophe Dujardin

Institut Lumière Matière, UMR5306 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 & CNRS, France

Email: christophe.dujardin[at]

Education - Employements

Since 2003
Full Professor (PR-EX2 since 2016), University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Institut Lumière Matière, UMR5306, CNRS-University Lyon1
NATO Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
1993 – 2003
Associate Professor (CNU 30), University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Matériaux Luminescents
1990 – 1993
PhD in Physics, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Photoionization processes in Eu-doped Fluoride crystals
1989 – 1990
DEA (M.Sc-2) Atoms, Photons and Molécules, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
1988 – 1989
Military Service, Istres
1987 – 1988
Maitrise (M.Sc-1) in Physics, University of Caen

Main Responsabilities

2023 – now
Deputy Director of the Institut Lumière Matière, UMR5306, CNRS-University Lyon1. Web
2010 – 2016
Director of the doctoral school of Physics and AstroPhysics of Lyon (Graduate school). This school hosts between 150 and 180 PhD students in 5 labs over the University Lyon 1 and ENS Lyon.
2007 – 2023
Head of the 'luminescence' research group, 17 permanent staffs and several interns, PhD and Post-doc. Web

Scientific activities

My research focuses on light-matter interactions, with a particular emphasis on luminescent and scintillating materials and their associated processes. Collaborating closely with chemists, I contribute to the development of inorganic solids—ranging from crystals and films to nanostructures—and the exploration of the intricate relationships between their structure and optical properties. In the domain of scintillating materials, my work centers on nano-scintillators and thin films. This includes both fundamental investigations and applied research targeting innovative applications such as photodynamic therapy, ultra-fast timing for time-of-flight detectors, ultra-high-resolution X-ray imaging, calorimetry in high-energy physics, and radioactivity detection. Notably, I coordinate the European FET-OPEN project "SPARTE," which aims to revolutionize gas-based radioactivity detection using nanoporous scintillators. Within nano-optics, my research on nano-luminescence delves into the fundamental aspects of confinement phenomena in nano-systems, encompassing quantum and dielectric effects, as well as interactions between nanoparticles and their environment. I am also advancing research in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) through the OPTOLYSE platform and the LIBELUL project (PEPR DIADEM), which I lead. These efforts aim to push the technical boundaries of LIBS, enhancing its sensitivity, spatial resolution, and detection speed, while expanding its applications across various fields. All these research activities are developed in close collaboration with colleagues and research groups, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to innovation and discovery.

Scientific Production and Invited Conferences


Institut Universitaire de France as senior researcher, Chair of Innovation, Web
Best paper Award of IEEE Transactions in Nuclear Sciences, Web
Tan Chin Tuan Fellow, NTU, Singapore

Main funded projects as leader in the last 10 years

PI of LIBELUL project, targeted project of the french research program "PEPR DIADEM". The goal of this demonstrator is to develop two high-performance LIBS platforms: one is a mobile LIBS setup designed for on-site analysis, while the other integrates LIBS, Raman, and Luminescence spectroscopy for high-resolution, high-speed mapping (1 kHz)..Partners: UCBL, CEA, Web
PI of the SPARTE project, FET-OPEN H2020. The project aims to develop advanced nanoporous scintillating materials specifically designed for the detection of radioactive gases. Partners: Chemistry lab. at the ENS-Lyon, Milano Biccoca Univ., Pragues Technical University, CEA-LNHB, Icohup SAS, NanoActive-Film. Web
PI of PHC Merlion Project. The project aims to develop a microstructured detector optimized for spectroscopic X-ray imaging in medical applications.. Partners: CINTRA-CNRS-NTU Singapore.
PI of OPTOLYSE project, a platform using optical spectroscopies for solid analysis (program CPER). The platform aims to transform cutting-edge research experiments into state-of-the-art analytical tools tailored for the private sector. Partners: Physics lab. at the ENS-Lyon, LHC at the University of Saint-Etienne.
NATO Country project director: New sensor materials and detectors for ionizing radiation detection. This NATO multi-year Science for Peace and Security program aims at creation of new generation of radiation detectors to enhance the nuclear and ionizing radiation safety. Partner: Dr. Oleg Sidletskiy, ISMA, Ukraine.
Head of Partner #3 of the Twin- H2020: ASCIMAT. The overall aim of the project is to boost the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in advanced scintillation materials of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Partners: FZU, CERN, UNIMIB.
Head of the Partner #3 of the ANR CLYMENE. This funded research program aims to develop LMO crystals for scintillating bolometers, advancing their application in the search for rare events. Partners: ICMCB, SIMAP and CSNSM.
Head of Partner #9 of the FUI program EFIGY. The aim of the research program is to bring innovative optical properties in textile fibers. Partners Brochier, SATAB, EFI Lighting, Blanchard, I Lumin Design, Masseboeuf, JRC Reflex, CTI.
Head of Partner #5 of the FUI program COSIRIX. The research program aims to design a next-generation radiologic detector. Partners Trixell, Noesis, Pixalys, CEA-LETI.
Head of Partner #3 of ANR Program SPEPIX. This funded program is devoted to development of a new generation of spectroscopic x-ray imagers. Partners: Trixell-CEA-CREATIS.
PI of the ANR Program INFINHI. This funded research program aims to develop a prototype high-energy calorimeter based on an innovative metamaterial design incorporating inorganic scintillating fibers. Partners: CERN, University of Bordeaux and the private company FiberCryst.

Teaching experience

I have extensive experience in various fields of physics, including thermodynamics, classical and quantum mechanics, and optics. My teaching spans multiple academic levels, from undergraduate to graduate students. Examples of my current and recent teaching activities are outlined below.

Main International Services

Spin-off activities

Current and former PhD students