Dr. Jérémie Margueritat — Nanoparticle Low Frequency Vibration


Jérémie Margueritat

I am a reasearcher at the CNRS. Since September 2011, I have worked at the Institut Lumière Matière (iLM), most recently in the Luminescence team. I use inelastic light scattering spectroscopies (Brillouin, Raman and low-frequency Raman) to study the mechanical properties of matter: from nanoparticles to biological cells. My current research topics include acoustic hybridization between nanoparticles, the detection of environmental changes through the acoustic vibration modes of nanoparticles, and the mechanical behavior of cancer tumors.


Last News

September 2021: Our article Inelastic Light Scattering by Long Narrow Gold Nanocrystals: When Size, Shape, Crystallinity, and Assembly Matter" has been highlted by the CNRS institute of physic as a scientific news

August 2020: Our last article titled : " Performances of the Lamb Model to Describe the Vibrations of Gold Quantum-Sized Clusters" has been published in J. Phys. Chem C

April 2020: Read our last article published in ACS Nano and untitled : " Inelastic Light Scattering by Long Narrow Gold Nanocrystals: When Size, Shape, Crystallinity, and Assembly Matter"

Son et Lumière 2021: Coupling of light to sound waves: topics and applications

The next edition of the school should take place in les Houches, France from March 22 to April 2 2021. The organizing committee is composed by Phlippe Djemia, Laurent Belliard, Kareem Elsayad and Jérémie Margueritat

14 May 2019: Read our last paper in Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Inelastic Light Scattering by Multiple Vibrational Modes in Individual Gold Nanodimers; J. Phys. Chem. C ASAP

11-22 March 2019 : Son et Lumière 2019: Wave Interactions at the Nanoscale (Les Houches, France). I gave a lecture entitled "Inelastic light scattering by the acoustic vibrations of nanoparticles". The lecture can be seen on the following URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsd57yvB7Zo.

23-25 January 2019: 2nd BioBrillouin Training School

15 january 2019: ANR MACAO Kick-off meeting

In the project MACAO (Measurement accuracy—case of mechanical properties of oxide nanoparticles), I will be in charge of the Raman/Brillouin measurements on a single oxide nanocube placed under a nano-indenter. See "Grants and Collaborations" for more information.

8 january 2019:

Read our most recent paper in Physical Review Letter: Phys. Rev. Lett.; 122, 018101

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